Monday, 17 October 2011

Rockhampton to Hervey Bay: 17/10

Today's plan was for John to do some fishing while I did some swimming...but like all good plans sometimes they don't work out. John was very confident of catching fish as other people had been. His other fishing attempts have been fruitless (fishless), but he assured me it was because there were no fish there.
Anyway upon awakening and reaching for my shoes I discovered ants had made a nest in them overnight......everyone knows a holiday without ants is unheard of. Anyway my shoes went straight out the door while I tried to convince the ants to leave!!!!!!!
Ant removal is definitely a two person job and as fast as we removed them there was another lot somewhere else. We really needed ANT RID.
Almost packed....apart from the ants it was a good site. They had been doing some tree maintenance so had probably disturbed their nest
After this we just packed up and went on our way, even resorting to breakfast at McDonalds.
We stopped in Bundaberg for lunch and to organise flowers for a friend, then continued on through more roadworks and several oversized loads.

We also began to see rainclouds and some sprinkles of rain......our first since leaving home. The temperature also dropped to about 24C degrees. Hervey Bay isn't at all golden beaches!!!!!We've had to put jumpers on tonight......what a shock!!!! I hope it warms up again tomorrow.

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